Tried to find some fossils in the creek at the farm:
Tag: jaymie
As the year of the rabbit comes to an end, the year of the Dragon quickly approaches. 2011 was a good year, filled with many ups and downs, good times and bad times. 2011 seemed to last about as long as a decade. My medical board started around January and lasted until the end of October. So much has happened in this year, I’m not ready to write about it all now. As I adjust to retired life and prepare for my 2nd career, I find myself missing the camaraderie of my military brother and sisters. Although I’m glad I have moved on, especially when I think about the deployments and time away from family.
Anyway, enough about that. The kids had a good Christmas. Money is tight, but we’re surviving. We are together as a family and safe. We have much to be thankful for!
My thought are with our troops that are overseas! May you come home safe and sound!
2012 WILL BE A BETTER YEAR! And that’s that!
Finals are finally done!!! I will not be taking classes this summer. Things are just too hectic around the house, with Audrey having surgery and all. Now that this class is over, I’ll have time to do some things I have been putting off. Not that I can list anything now. But, I’ll have time to do stuff anyway. Like wax my vehicle… uhh… work on my website… well… after I get back from Hawaii that is.
My friend David is deploying soon, so this weekend we will be going back out to the mountains for some trail riding. A couple of our Japanese friends from the Jimny Club will be there. I wish all the guys from the last trip could show up, that would be awesome! But, it will be lots of fun anyway.
As for other updates, this is the last week of school for the kids. Jaymie’s last day was earlier for SureStart (pre-K). She has done Awesome and I forsee no problems in Kindergarten. Work is the same… working long hours with no evidence of accomplishment. Morale is… wait… what is that? But, that’s ok. There is light at the end of the Tunnel in August.