After putting it off, for a while, I finally decided to re-do my website. No templates, no Front Page… just me and some html & css. Except for the Javascript that I used to switch styles. Turned out decent. Still working on it though, need to alter the background on a few, and get a good color scheme down. Feel free to let me know what you think.
Tag: update
Fellow Readers… (Whomever that may be…)
Just some updates. July was a busy month for me. My little baby had to have surgery, so we were flown Hawaii where Doctors at Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) operated on my little girl. The surgery went well, and we are very thankful.
It was very nice to visit Hawaii, but I was glad, as always, to get back home. My Dad was fortunate enough to make it over to be with Audrey and I during the surgery. This was the first time he had flown since around 1966. Airports and aircraft have changed dramatically since then, huh?
I’m back to work now, and actually looked forward to coming to work for the first time in a long time. The weather is raining, as usual this time in the pacific. August is just around the corner, and school will be starting.
Sabayon Linux 3.5 was released while I was gone. I’m downloading it now, and will install it when it’s done downloading or later on this week. Probably won’t be done downloading until later on this week. My ISP sucks over here.
As far as my website goes, I plan on redoing it once again. It needs a new look. I’m pretty much tired of the look. And since I have more time now, I plan on hand coding my new site. As soon as I come up with a color scheme, I’ll get busy.
Enough for now… I’ll try to post more later and include some photo’s I took in Hawaii…
Finals are finally done!!! I will not be taking classes this summer. Things are just too hectic around the house, with Audrey having surgery and all. Now that this class is over, I’ll have time to do some things I have been putting off. Not that I can list anything now. But, I’ll have time to do stuff anyway. Like wax my vehicle… uhh… work on my website… well… after I get back from Hawaii that is.
My friend David is deploying soon, so this weekend we will be going back out to the mountains for some trail riding. A couple of our Japanese friends from the Jimny Club will be there. I wish all the guys from the last trip could show up, that would be awesome! But, it will be lots of fun anyway.
As for other updates, this is the last week of school for the kids. Jaymie’s last day was earlier for SureStart (pre-K). She has done Awesome and I forsee no problems in Kindergarten. Work is the same… working long hours with no evidence of accomplishment. Morale is… wait… what is that? But, that’s ok. There is light at the end of the Tunnel in August.