I was tired of using the web forms that my webhost provided to convert video to .flv format.  So, I wrote this script which works fine and dandy:

# VIDEO CONVERTER  (FLV)                     #
# gi_james@strickstuff.com                     #
# www.strickstuff.com                           #

# all files that start with .m (eg mpeg mpg mod) 

    # change to whatever you want... 

for file in ./*.mpg; 

# encode files and rename them to FLV 

do ffmpeg -i $file -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 -aspect 16:9 -y ${file%.m*}.flv 

# all done! 


This makes it a little bit easier…
Now, since my camera shoots in 16:9 format, I decided to keep that aspect ratio, this can be changed to 4:3. We’ll see how it looks.