Here’s the assignment for Lab3. The next class session will show us .
Public Class frmCompare '----JDS----------------------- 'CREATED: 10/15/2014 'CREATED BY: James Strickland 'CLASS: COP2010 - 090898 'PURPOSE: Write a Windows Application ' program that inputs ' three different integers ' and displays results ' in a listbox '----JDS----------------------- ' Declare variables ' inum=InputNumber Dim inum1, inum2, inum3 As Integer ' onum=OutputNumber Dim onum1, onum2, onum3, max, min As Integer Private Sub frmCompare_Load(sender As Object, _ e As EventArgs) _ Handles MyBase.Load ' Hide the "About" label at form load lblAbout.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub btnGo_Click(sender As Object, _ e As EventArgs) _ Handles btnExe.Click ' The following code is executed ' when the EXECUTE button is pressed ' Get the users 3 numbers and load ' them into the 3 input variables inum1 = txtInput1.Text inum2 = txtInput2.Text inum3 = txtInput3.Text ' Clear list box encase user wants to ' repeat program without scrolling ' down listbox. LstBoxResults.Items.Clear() ' Display numbers as user entered them ' seperated by comma LstBoxResults.Items.Add("Numbers in User Order:") LstBoxResults.Items.Add(inum1 & ", " & inum2 & ", " & inum3) LstBoxResults.Items.Add("") ' simply creates a space between answers ' Display Sum of users entered numbers LstBoxResults.Items.Add("Sum of numbers:") ' Displays to user LstBoxResults.Items.Add(inum1 + inum2 + inum3) ' does the math LstBoxResults.Items.Add("") ' simply creates a space between answers ' Display Average of numbers LstBoxResults.Items.Add("Average of Numbers:") ' Displays to user LstBoxResults.Items.Add((inum1 + inum2 + inum3) \ 3) ' does the math LstBoxResults.Items.Add("") ' simply creates a space between answers ' Display Product of numbers LstBoxResults.Items.Add("Product of numbers:") ' Displays to user LstBoxResults.Items.Add(inum1 * inum2 * inum3) ' Does the math LstBoxResults.Items.Add("") ' simply creates a space between answers ' Display Largest of the 3 numbers LstBoxResults.Items.Add("Largest of the 3:") max = inum1 ' Init variable mas a first number entered, the compare below... If inum2 > max Then max = inum2 ' inum2 greater than max, init max as inum2 (inum2 is smaller) End If If inum3 > max Then max = inum3 ' inum3 greater than max, init max as inum3 (inum3 is smaller) End If LstBoxResults.Items.Add(max) LstBoxResults.Items.Add("") ' simply creates a space between answers ' Display Smallest of the 3 numbers LstBoxResults.Items.Add("Smallest of the 3:") min = inum1 ' init min as inum1 If inum2 < min Then min = inum2 ' inum2 less than min, init min as inum2 (inum2 is bigger) End If If inum3 < min Then min = inum3 ' inum3 less than min, init min as inum3 (inum3 is bigger) End If LstBoxResults.Items.Add(min) ' Display results of min LstBoxResults.Items.Add("") ' simply creates a space between answers End Sub ' Close/Exit the program Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles btnExit.Click Close() End Sub Private Sub btnAbout_Click(sender As Object, _ e As EventArgs) _ Handles btnAbout.Click ' The below code hides the form content and ' displays information about the programmer ' (when the user presses the "about" button) ' which happens to be me. For those who does ' not know me, I am a big deal around here.. ' I mean, I didn't want to say nuthin....... ' Clear Form btnExe.Visible = False lblEnterNumbers.Visible = False lblInstruction.Visible = False txtInput1.Visible = False txtInput2.Visible = False txtInput3.Visible = False LstBoxResults.Visible = False ' About Programmer lblAbout.Visible = True End Sub End Class